Milko Kos Historical Institute


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Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa
Novi trg 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 470 6200
Past Events
  • 5 Jun 2018

    Israel Tel Aviv Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot


    The opening of the exhibition on Jewish soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian Army on the Isonzo Front, prepared by Milko Kos Historical Institute and Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor, featuring Renato Podbersič and Boris Hajdinjak (Center of Jewish Cultural Heritage Synagogue Maribor) as speakers at a panel, supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Tel Aviv,

  • 15 Mar 2017

    Austria Graz Steiermärkische Landesbibliothek


  • 25 Nov 2015


    24 Dec 2015

    Czech Republic Brno The Moravian Museum - the Dietrichstein Palace


    The exhibition Memories of the Isonzo Front, co-organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Prague in cooperation with the Tolmin Museum, Milko Kos Historical Institute and the Foundation "Walk of Peace in the Soča Region"

  • 29 May 2014


    30 May 2014

    Poland Kraków Jagiellonian University


    A Polish-Slovenian conference about World War I also featuring Slovene historians dr. Dušan Nečak, dr. Božo Repe and dr. Rok Stergar (Department of History, University of Ljubljana), dr. Petra Svoljšak (Milko Kos Historical Institute), and dr. Darja Kerec (Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana), supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia Warsaw,

  • Show more

    Milko Kos Historical Institute 2008 Gamberk Castle Photo Barbara Zabota.jpgRuins of the Gamberk Castle, photographed in 2008

    Originally established in 1947 as a Section for General and National History within the Institute for History led by Milko Kos (1892–1972), the Milko Kos Historical Institute became an independent institute in 1972. The institute has conducted research in Slovene history from its beginnings up to the end of the World War One. It continues with the research work of the Slovene Academy of Science and Arts, which is composed of 4 areas of programmes and projects: publication of the sources for Slovene history, topography and colonisation of Slovene territory, economic and social history of the Slovenes, and issues of Slovene history in the 19th and early 20th centuries.


    Together with the ZRC Publishing the institute publishes the book series Thesaurus memoriae. It consists of three specialised editions: Dissertationes, Fontes in Opuscula. The first is devoted to scientific monographs, the second to publishing of historiographical sources, and the third to the specialised monographs from the field. Predominately, the official language of the publication is Slovenian but papers and articles are also published in other (German, English, and Italian) languages.

    See also

    External links


    Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa +
    46.048 +
    Zgodovinski inštitut Milka Kosa +
    14.505 +
    SI-1000 Ljubljana +
    Novi trg 2 +
    Originally established in 1947 as a Section for General and National History within the Institute for History led by Milko Kos (1892–1972), the Milko Kos Historical Institute became an independent institute in 1972. +
    Originally established in 1947 as a Section for General and National History within the Institute for History led by Milko Kos (1892–1972), the Milko Kos Historical Institute became an independent institute in 1972. +
    +386 / 1 470 6200 +
    Ljubljana +
    SI-1000 +
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